Low-Friction User Experience in Everdo

Point and click + Drag and drop everywhere to get you started

Pointing and clicking may not be the most efficient way to work with todos, but it's easy to get started and discover functionality this way. In Everdo, almost everything is interactive and clickable. You can use drag-and-drop to move items between lists, re-order lists, convert actions into projects, and so on.

Keyboard shortcuts

Clicking is nice, but the real productivity comes from mastering the keyboard. Everdo has shortcuts for many operations, including:

  • Creating and deleting items
  • Editing attributes
  • Switching between areas
  • Navigation between lists
  • Search
  • Navigation between items

Vi-like keyboard navigation

Everdo allows you to move up and down the list of items with just the keyboard (j/k or arrows). With this keyboard navigation you can edit certain attributes with a single key press, or open a full editor.

Instantaneous capture

Creating a new action only takes a second because there are no required fields. We try to optimize the most frequent use cases so that they take as few clicks or keystrokes as possible.

Inline commands

When creating or editing an item, you can include a set of commands into its title. This allows editing multiple attributes at once, instantaneously.

Learn More About Everdo Features

Go to the user documentation to learn more about these and other Everdo features.